Friday, December 14, 2012

Section 2 Overview - PHP For Beginners - Section 2 Wrap Up

Section Two Overview
By Stephon Unomon
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In this section, we covered some more advanced features of PHP. Not for the timid, but not impossible to grasp!


IF - Do something if something is true.

ELSE - Do something else if it isn’t

ELSEIF - Add more choices to IF

SWITCH - Use this if you have a lot of ElseIf’s

ARRAY - One variable, many values

ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY - One variable, even more values

LOOPS - For, While, For Each - A way to repeat code

FUNCTIONS - Turn a big code chunk into a small one

SESSIONS - Carry unique data from page to page

COOKIES - Store session data on your viewer’s computer

FORM PROCESSING - Process web forms, such as a mailer





1. What are the 3 ways to comment code in PHP?




2. ELSEIF cannot be used without ____________




3. What are Cookies used for in PHP?
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