Sunday, December 9, 2012

PHP Sessions - Advanced PHP For Beginners Lesson 9

By Stephon Unomon


       When your websites start to become more advanced and you find that you have a need for specific user data to be available throughout different pages on your website (think shopping cart!), it’s time for Sessions!


Starting a session is a snap.



session start();


The webserver will attach a really really long random “session ID” to indicate a unique session. It looks something like: a8486dd2a3eacc136bd44ca653d8c5a2


A session isn’t worth a hill of beans unless we can store data in it. Fortunately, PHP can do this for us with an associative array, based on the $_SESSION variable. (Is some of this starting to come together?)


Let’s make a login form based on sessions!



session_start(); //  Starts a PHP session

echo "<form method=POST action=index.php>

  User Name: <input type=text name=\"username\">

  Password: <input type=text name=\"password\">

  <input type=submit>

  </form>";  // This is the HTML form

$_SESSION['username']=$_POST["username"]; // Enters the username into the array

$_SESSION['password']=$_POST["password"]; // Enters the password into the array



Your username and password are now stored in an array that will last until the session is “un-set”.


Removing a session is done when either: The viewer closes their browser, or PHP runs the command to un-set a session, aka “destroy”.


You can think of it like this - your session is an Etch-a-Sketchtm that has information drawn on it. It’s there until you shake it!





Yes, it’s a tad violent...but gets the job done. This will clear out any data associated with the current session.


So, what if I want to remove specific data from a session without deleting the whole thing?


This can be done with an IF statement combined with  commands called “ISSET” and “UNSET”.







So, logically...


If this specific key is set in this session, remove the key’s data.

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